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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Laurel.
See Levine for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Laurel Levine was a 23rd century Human woman. She served as medical officer for the Pergium Production Station on Janus VI in 2270.


By the 2260s, Doctor Levine had earned a medical degree as well as professional-level expertise in zoology. She was described as streetwise, attractive, and skilled at social interaction. She was knowledgable in botany, physical chemistry, environmental suit use, ground vehicle piloting, and computer operations.

Levine joined the station staff in 2270 as its only Human female employee. She often shared friendly banter with assistant chief engineer Ed Appel. Eight months later, when miner Jack Katz joined the team, she found him likable.

When miner Louis Handy and a Horta were found dead two weeks after Katz arrived, Levine performed autopsies and signed their death certificates. She met with Dr. Leonard McCoy from the Federation starship USS Enterprise to review evidence in her dispensary, afraid that she might have overlooked crucial evidence. She drove McCoy in a tunnel runner to inspect the Horta's body. McCoy realized that the dead Horta was not the All Mother he'd treated two years earlier with thermoconcrete, but rather a second, previously undiscovered Mother Horta.

As a search and rescue operation began for the original All Mother, Levine remained at the main facility with a driver and one tunnel runner, ready to come to the rescue should anyone become injured. (FASA RPG module: Witness for the Defense)



Pergium Production Station personnel
Federation icon image. Billy AndersonRalph AntaraEd AppelRandy ConwayHomero GaldamizLouis HandyJack KatzDavidson LeekLaurel LevineRoberts (miner)Sam (miner)SchmitterSolonWilson VanderbergKlaus WagnerDebra Weisskopf Pergium Production Station logo icon image.

