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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Engineering division

Lay Physics Review was a 23rd and 24th century academic journal accessible aboard Federation starships in the late 2360s decade.

History and specifics[]

In the year 2368, Data read an article from Volume 217, Issue 33 of the journal during his database search for ways of detecting cloaked Romulan starships that had evaded a tachyon detection grid by traveling through a region saturated with tachyons. The article was titled "Experimental Measurements of Tachyon Propagation". After reviewing a few dozen journal articles, Data concluded that such a vessel would temporarily project high-energy tachyons into subspace, emissions that could be revealed with a level-six, high-energy burst from a photon torpedo. When the USS Sutherland fired such a torpedo, it exposed three hidden D'deridex-class warbirds that immediately withdrew. (TNG episode: "Redemption")



Academic journals
Technical journals Abrahamian Physics ReviewActa Mega-AstrophysicalisBarredos Physics ReviewCochrane Institute JournalDaystrom Institute JournalFontana Institute ReviewGarza Physics DigestHavana Institute ReviewHucklesby Institute JournalInterplanetary Journal of Theoretical PhysicsJournal of Applied Warp MechanicsJournal of Banzai Institute for Advanced StudiesJournal of Daystrom InstituteJournal of Felker InstituteJournal of Plasma ExtrusionsJournal of Scotti TechnologiesJournal of Starfleet TechnologyJournal of Subspace TechnologyJournal of Tezber InstituteJournal of the Cochrane InstituteJournal of the Institute for Unauthorized ExperimentsJournal of Theoretical CyberneticsJournal of Zavolta LaboratoriesKoothrappali Astrophysics ReviewKropasar Journal of Applied BiotechnologyLay Physics ReviewMiller Particle JournalProceedings of Ares Flight InstituteProceedings of Grunsfeld Institute for AstrophysicsProceedings of Paul Institute of MarsProceedings of Stern Institute for AstrophysicsProceedings of Weiss Institute for Theoretical PhysicsQuantum Physics ReviewStarfleet Cybernetics JournalStarfleet Journal of EngineeringSubspace Particle JournalSubspace Physics ReviewSubspace Physics TodayVan Citters Physics ReviewVulcan Science Academy ReviewWarp Stresses in Real TimeYorkshire Institute Review
Medical journals Federation Journal of MedicineFederation Physician's QuarterlyI.C.X. Medical JournalJournal of Alien PathologiesJournal of Applied SciencesJournal of Experimental PsychologyThe Journal of the Federation Institute for the Study of XenosociologyJournal of Intercultural ContactsJournal of PsychologyJournal of Quantum MedicineJournal of Starfleet PhysiciansJournal of the Vulcan Academy of SciencesJournal of Xenohistology and Interplanetary EpidemiologyManitoba Journal of Interplanetary PsychologyThe New England Journal of MedicineStarfleet Medical JournalXenopsych Today
Others Journal of Archaeological StudiesThe Journal of the Henle Academy of the ArtsStarfleet Historical Review


External links[]
