Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lazarus was a male human in the 1st century who, according to the Gospel of Saint John, was raised from the dead by Jesus of Nazareth.

The immortal Flint claimed to have been Lazarus, as well as numerous other noted figures from history. (TOS episode: "Requiem for Methuselah")

Charles Tucker III adopted the codename "Lazarus" after he had faked his death aboard the Enterprise (NX-01) and became a deep-cover covert agent in the Romulan Star Empire. (ENT novels: The Good That Men Do, Kobayashi Maru)

Dr. Jennifer Almieri referenced the story of Lazarus in a deathbed note to her daughter, Elizabeth Lense, indicating that Elizabeth's deceased twin brother, Jonathan, had been brought back to life. (CoE eBook: Ghost)


Aliases of Flint
primary universe AkharinMethuselahSolomonAlexander the GreatLazarusMerlinLeonardo da VinciJohannes BrahmsWilliam AbramsonMicah Brack
alternate realities VandarVandal Savage

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