Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lee could refer to:

  • People:
    • Helm officers:
    • Albert Lee, a retired engineer who served aboard the USS Enterprise-D
    • Koko Lee
    • Lee (Aleph Prime), a defense attorney on Aleph Prime
    • Lee (Sanctuary District A)
    • Lee Archer
    • Lee Chan, a poet from Baker's World
    • Lee Kuan (Li Quan), a 21st century Earth dictator
    • Lee Kelso, a navigator aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Lee Wayne, a security officer aboard the USS Enterprise
    • Lee Willson, President of the Mantiev Colonial Association
    • Allison Lee, a security officer aboard the USS Exeter
    • Beauregard Lee, a lawyer on Freeman's Port
    • Hua Sun Lee, CMO of Starbase Vanguard
    • Jasmine Lee, a resident of Freeman's Port
    • Jennifer Lee, a casualty of Earth's Vietnam War
    • Linda Lee (a.k.a. Linda Danvers), Supergirl in an alternate reality
    • Martin Lee, a sensor operator who discovered gemstones on Martin's Star III
    • R. Lee Ermey, a 20th century actor
    • Robert E. Lee, Commanding Officer of the American Confederate Army
    • Sharon Lee, a security officer aboard the Federation scout Xanadu
    • Tarella Lee, a resident of Ahmista and friend of Morgan Lefler
    • Thomas Lee, a security officer aboard the USS Enterprise
    • V. Lee
  • Starships and vehicles:
  • Locations
    • Leesburg, a settlement on Freeman's Port
  • Real-life topics:
    • Lee Cole, The Motion Picture conceptual artist and reference book illustrator
    • Lee Contini
    • Lee Correy, a TOS novelist
    • Lee Stringer, a Ships of the Line calendar artist
    • Lester Lee, a pseudonym for Dean Wesley Smith, after the notable 20th century science fiction writer
    • Tommy Lee Edwards, a WildStorm comics artist
  • See also:
This is a disambiguation page — a navigational aid which lists pages that might otherwise share the same title. If an article link referred you here, you might want to go back and fix it to point directly to the intended page.
