Star Trek Online: Legacy of Romulus is the first expansion pack to the MMORPG Star Trek Online.
Legacy of Romulus is initially set in the year 2409, three decades after Star Trek Nemesis and twenty-two years after the Hobus disaster seen in Star Trek. The Romulan Star Empire has splintered as a result, with two distinct factions: The Empire under Empress Sela, who holds power through fear and deception from her stronghold on Rator III, and a new Romulan Republic under Proconsul D'Tan, arising from the colony of "New Romulus" with the aid of their former enemies, the Federation and the Klingon Empire.
The expansion allows for playable Romulan characters. The player starts out as part of a group of survivors settled on an agricultural colony, separate from both Sela's regime and the New Romulans. (STO website: Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #1) After a certain point, they will align with the Romulan Republic, and choose to fight alongside one of the Republic's allies - either the Federation or the Klingons. Romulan players will have access to their unique vessels, including Birds-of-Prey, Mogai-class escorts, and the mighty D'Deridex-class warbirds. In addition, they will be able to take command of vessels belonging to their allies. (STO website: Ask Cryptic: Legacy of Romulus)
The mission "Surface Tension" included in the Season 9: "A New Accord" update advanced the timeline to 2410, and Cryptic Studios has since announced the second expansion pack, Delta Rising. (STO website: Announcing Delta Rising!)
Legacy of Romulus dev blogs[]
- "Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #16: Romulan Warbird Stats", written by Systems Designer Jeremy "BorticusCryptic" Randall" and published by community rep Brandon "BranFlakes" Felczer on 9 May 2013, provides the stats for the playable warbirds of the Romulan Republic: Ha'nom-class guardian warbird, Ha'feh-class assault warbird, Haakona-class advanced warbird, T'liss-class light warbird, T'varo-class light warbird, Dhelan-class warbird, Dhael-class warbird, Mogai-class heavy warbird, Valdore-class heavy warbird, D'deridex-class warbird battlecruiser, D'ridthau-class warbird battlecruiser, Ha'apax-class advanced warbird, and retrofits of all the classes.
- "Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #21 The Tal Shiar Lock Box", published 20 May 2013, talks about the Tal Shiar adapted starships, Llaihr-class destroyer and Khnial-class battlecruiser, and special features: shrapnel torpedoes, mirror universe Ha'apax-class advanced warbird with ionized gas sensor console, liberated Borg Romulan science officer, Khellid pets.
- "Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #22 New Tal Shiar Lock Box and Lobi Ships", published 20 May 2013, details the shrapnel torpedo launcher console, Tal Shiar adapted Borg warp core, mirror universe assault cruiser and star cruiser, mirror Vor'cha-class battlecruiser, mirror Ha'apax advanced warbird, mirror Ha'nom-class guardian warbird, mirror Ha'feh-class assault warbird.
- "Legacy of Romulus Dev Blog #35 The Romulan Temporal Ships", published on 1 August 2013, introduces the 29th century tier 5 Romulan timeship warbirds, the R'Mor-class temporal science vessel RRW R'Mor and mirror universe Talvath-class temporal destroyer ARW Talvath.
Star Trek Online seasons and expansions | ||
Common Ground • Ancient Enemies • Genesis • Crossfire • Call to Arms • Under Siege • New Romulus • Legacy of Romulus (expansion) • The Sphere • A New Accord • Delta Rising (expansion) • The Iconian War • New Dawn • Agents of Yesterday (expansion) • Reckoning • Escalation • Emergence • Victory Is Life (expansion) • Age of Discovery • Mirror of Discovery • Rise of Discovery • Awakening • Legacy • House Divided • House Shattered • House Reborn • House United • Reflections • Shadow's Advance • Stormfall • Ascension • Refractions • Unraveled • Incursion • Both Worlds • Unparalleled • Unveiled |
External links[]
- Official website
- Legacy of Romulus article at Star Trek Online Wiki.