Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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The lek was a money denomination of common Cardassian currency.(VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker) lek come in two versions an easy to use paper notes or easier to use electronic data kept on specialized nearly un-hackable fobs kept on person instead of wallets or coin purses.

By the year 2376, the lek was of quite low value. (DS9 - Avatar novel: Book One)

The lek was also used in the mirror universe. (TNG - Mirror Universe novella: The Worst of Both Worlds)

The Cardassian used a legal tender for use outside the Cardassian union and is usually in the for of gold sealed latinum chits that are worth about three slips to a 4th of a bar depending on the content and purity of the latiunum inside the coin. Cardassian coinage is different than most others because a molecular lattice of gold holds the liquid latinum in sealed nanoscopic bubbles rather than the far larger containers made by bricks that can breach and cause the latinum to spill out. Even though they are of superior construction Ferengi only take them at 85% of market value for the same weight as latinum either due to greed or nationalistic jealousy about a race that is better at them at storing the liquid metal.



Types of currency
materials acta crystalgolddiamondlatinumludugial goldsilverOrion energy orb
units bilbokcentcreditdarsekdecimdejebbitdirakdollardroknaducatdukorenergygalorine credit slipHuchileckernklon peaglaertian dinarleklitanotch-rockprime transfer authorityquatloosaktosousstellorszekett'chaktalontri-esta

See also[]

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