Lenaris Jau was a Bajoran man. He was the son of Lenaris Pendan and the brother of Lenaris Holem.
Like his older brother, Lenaris was a member of the Ornathia resistance cell. In 2353, the Ornathia launched an aerial attack on a Cardassian naval base in Musilla Province. Jau's raider was shot down and crashed near the Meiku forest in Rakantha Province. Jau survived, but was taken to the Gallitep labor camp. Lenaris Holem decided to tell his mother that her son had been killed in the crash and not mention Gallitep. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves)
Lenaris spent the next four years working in Gallitep, until the Shakaar resistance cell liberated the camp in 2357. Years later, Lenaris Holem would thank Kira Nerys for saving his brother. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves, DS9 episode: "Shakaar")