Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor was a four-issue Star Trek: The Original Series comic book miniseries published by IDW Publishing from April 2010. The series, written and illustrated by John Byrne, features Doctor Leonard McCoy and his crew aboard the starship Joanna on medical adventures in the year before Star Trek: The Motion Picture.
- Space, the final frontier... and on that frontier and beyond, humans and aliens alike need medical care. Enter Leonard McCoy, Doctor of Space Medicine, late of the USS Enterprise! Now delight at John Byrne's tale set in the period before Star Trek: The Motion Picture!
Number: Title(s) | #1: Weeds | #2: Error | #3: Medics | #4: Hosts & Scalpel | ||||
Writer | John Byrne | |||||||
Artist | ||||||||
Published | 14 April 2010 | 12 May 2010 | 9 June 2010 | 28 July 2010 | ||||
Cover A | ||||||||
Cover B | ||||||||
Retail incentive cover | ||||||||
Convention edition cover | - |
- Author John Byrne described the origins of this miniseries: "The inspiration for this series was an idea I had for a show starring Jimmy Stewart, circa 1967. It was called "DOC", and was about a doctor traveling around the American frontier after the Civil War. Trained in Europe, he would be bringing to an astonished populace "newfangled" medical techniques they'd never heard of." (Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor article at John Byrne's website.)
- Byrne confirmed that this series spanned roughly one year, ending somewhat prior to the events of TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: The Motion Picture, with plenty of wiggle room. (Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor article at John Byrne's website.)
External links[]
- Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- First Comics News interview with John Byrne about the series.