Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the primary universe counterpart, see Li Nalas.

In the mirror universe, Li Nalas served as First Minister of Bajor during the 2370s.

In 2375, he led the Chamber of Ministers in a review of criminal evidence against Ro Laren. He issued the order for Ro to be remanded to the custody of the Klingon-Cardassian Alliance. As a result of Legate Skrain Dukat's role in Ro's crimes, Li considered a re-evaluation of Cardassia's advisory status to Bajor. Under the advisement of Regent Martok, Li appointed Kira Nerys to succeed Ro as intendant of Bajor. (DS9 - Mirror Universe novella: Saturn's Children)

In 2377, Li and half the Bajoran Parliament were believed to have been killed by a Terran Rebellion attack on Ashalla. In actuality, the destruction of Ashalla was as a result of various explosives place around around the city by Iliana Ghemor, who was posing as Intendant Kira. She triggered them in order to coerce the rebels on Terok Nor into surrendering to the Alliance. (DS9 novel: The Soul Key)
