Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Louis.

Louis Handy was a 23rd century Human man. He served as a miner at the Pergium Production Station on Janus VI in the 2260s.


Handy was a long-time stockholder in the mining company on Janus VI, and skilled at unarmed combat. Unfortunately, he was an avid, unlucky gambler. Whenever he took leave, he'd return poorer, having to trade more of his stocks to fellow miners to cover his debts. His circumstances made him short-tempered and argumentative.

By 2270, he was 47 years old, and retained just enough stock to keep his posting at the station. Handy hoped some played-out veins in old mining tunnels might still yield mineable pergium, the discovery of which would lead to significant bonuses and get him out of debt faster. He convinced fellow miner Randy Conway to help him search.

Handy was found murdered in a mining tunnel, burned by mining phasers from a sizzle bug vehicle. His body was kept in stasis for return to his family following an official investigation. Administrator Wilson Vanderberg requested Starfleet assistance, and the starship USS Enterprise was dispatched to help solve the murder. Shortly afterward, a Horta was also found killed. (FASA RPG module: Witness for the Defense)



Pergium Production Station personnel
Federation icon image. Billy AndersonRalph AntaraEd AppelRandy ConwayHomero GaldamizLouis HandyJack KatzDavidson LeekLaurel LevineRoberts (miner)Sam (miner)SchmitterSolonWilson VanderbergKlaus WagnerDebra Weisskopf Pergium Production Station logo icon image.

