Lylla was a native of the planet Beta Epsilon VI.
Lylla was the daughter of Lorac. She married marooned Starfleet captain turned "god", Philip Hodges, after he rescued her from the planet's predator lifeforms in the year 2285.
Later that year, she was stunned upon meeting members of a Starfleet rescue party who were of Hodges' species. When Hodges was kidnapped by Ballor and Decton as part of a conspiracy to restart a civil war, Lylla insisted on coming with Rear Admiral James T. Kirk to find her husband. They found Hodges held captive by Ballor in a cavern. She insisted that Ballor release Hodges, but was stabbed in the left arm and lost a lot of blood. Doctor Leonard McCoy insisted she be treated in sickbay and beamed her aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise.
She recovered and was happy to remain with Hodges aboard the ship, though he faced a court martial for violating the Prime Directive. (TOS comic: "Mortal Gods")
In the comic's initial release, Lylla and her people had yellow eyes, purple skin, and white hair with blue shading. For the story's reprinting in The Best of Star Trek omnibus, they had white eyes, gray skin, and brown hair.
Appearances and references[]
- TOS comic: "Mortal Gods"