M-317, also known as Moore's Planet, was a class M planet located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrant. It was the homeworld of Tojufu, a sentient tree species.
The planet appeared green from orbit.
In 2266, a geological research outpost was installed on Moore's Planet under the direction of renowned Professor Patrick Moore. For the next two years, Moore and his technical assistant William Terrens studied rare geological formations. Moore also spent more than a year classifying its animal and plant life, discovering that aromatic Tojufu plants were sentient.
In 2268, the Federation starship USS Enterprise orbited M-317. James T. Kirk and Spock visited the planet's outpost, Moore's Fire Falls and the Great Rainbow Expanse. Moore planned to reveal the true nature of the trees at the Interstellar Geophysical Conference on Beta Aurigae III. However, en route to the conference aboard the Enterprise, Terrens poisoned Moore. (TOS comic: "Murder on the Enterprise")