The M23 Cluster (also known as NGC 6494) was a star cluster, visible from Earth in the space of the Sagittarius constellation.
M23 was located in the Alpha Quadrant, in the space of the Romulan Star Empire, in the general vicinity of the Varian Nebula and the Scutum Cloud. (Last Unicorn RPG module: The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire)
Stars, systems and objects of the Sagittarius constellation |
Great Barrier • Lambda Sagittarii (Kaus Borealis, 22 Sgr, Chalna) • M-21 Cluster (Sarsithia system, Beta Quaternas) • M23 Cluster • Omega Sagittarii • V1216 Sagitarii (Ross 154) • Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy • Zeta Sagittarii (Ascella) |