Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Madia.

Gynarch Madia was a descendant of the Garidian Followers of the Lawgiver Avatrunei and the leader of the sect of the Questers for Inner Strength on Frigis. During her leadership she lost the Scepter of Light to the Seekers in the last Declaratory.

Madia is unlike the other characters seen on Frigis. She appears like an ugly, bald, green creature and does not look like a woman or a Garidian. It is possible that her appearance is a result of body modification or makeup, dictated by her religion.

She met an away team from the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D) led by William Riker looking for the Fifth Scroll on the Grand Penatorium. Unwelcoming and reluctant to help them, when Riker came with the Scepter of Light, she rewarded them by allowing them access to a Chodak transporter pad in the temple. (TNG video game: A Final Unity)
