Maglev or mag-lev, short for magnetic levitation, was a type of technology employed in ground transportation. It was first developed in the 20th century on Earth for maglev trains, a type of train that traveled on maglev tracks.
The technology was used to propel cars of cargo from the surface of a Nezu colony world along an orbital tether to a geosynchronous space station. (VOY episode: "Rise")
It was considered a less advanced form of transportation than transporter technology. (VOY - Invasion! novel: The Final Fury)
History and specifics[]
By the mid 21st century, the trains in New York City had been upgraded to use maglev technology. (TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "The Immortality Blues")
Maglev took advantage of a natural property of electromagnetism: magnetic levitation. A track with opposing magnetic polarities to a vehicle was able to lift it, eliminating all friction. In a maglev vehicle like a train, stabilizers and gyroscopes were used to keep the vehicle aligned to the track while it was in motion. (TOS comic: "Husian Gambit")
Very high velocities were possible. For instance, the Stampede Tubetrain was a maglev-driven subway which crossed North America at 900 kph in the 23rd century. (TOS novel: Best Destiny)
Maglev technology was also used in automobiles. In 2370, cadet Wesley Crusher rode a maglev cab driven by S. Muldowney. (TNG novel: Balance of Power)
Maglev technology was also employed on Romulus, Vulcan and Qu'Vat. (TOS novels: Vulcan's Heart, Unspoken Truth, Excelsior: Forged in Fire)
In 2373, Neelix did a quick study of maglev technology. When atmospheric interference later caused their shuttlecraft to crash near the Nezu orbital tether, Tuvok and Neelix repaired one of its carriages and used maglev equipment to drive it into the upper atmosphere so that they could be beamed back by USS Voyager. Neelix named the car after his sister Alixia. (VOY episode: "Rise")
Maglev vehicles[]
- maglev train
- maglev tram
- monorail
- subway or tubetrain
- TOS novel: Best Destiny
- TOS novel: Vulcan's Heart
- TOS novel: Unspoken Truth
- TOS novel: Excelsior: Forged in Fire
- TNG novel: Balance of Power
- TOS - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "The Immortality Blues"
- VOY - Invasion! novel: The Final Fury
- NF novel: the Two-Front War