Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Manhunters were artificial lifeforms, created by and subservient to the Oans, acting as their enforcers across the universe. They were capable of operating at high warp speeds without the need for a starship and possessed powerful offensive capabilities.


In 2262, Saint Walker discovered a broken Manhunter on a planet in the Beta Quadrant, having crashed there years ago. This information made its way to the United Federation of Planets and the Klingon Empire. Recognizing that the Manhunter's corpse indicated that Oans existed in the Kelvin timeline, both the USS Enterprise and Thaal Sinestro made plans to reach Oa. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 1")

Managing to claim the Manhunter, Sinestro managed to repair it enough to access it memory core, hoping to salvage its faster-than-light capabilities. Elsewhere, the Enterprise was intercepted by several Manhunters who forced the ship out of warp. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 2")

Opening fire on the Enterprise - and deciding that Hal Jordan and Carol Ferris were thieves upon scanning their rings - the Manhunters were disabled when Pavel Chekov managed to place them in narrow-band tractor beams. Speaking to the lead Manhunter, the Enterprise managed to broker a truce. On Qo'noS, Sinestro managed to turn the Manhunter's remains into a suit of armor, using it to travel to Oa. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 3")

After the rings of the Green Lanterns had all but died, Hal Jordan managed to convince the lead Manhunter aboard the Enterprise to allow the ship access to a teleport gate to reach Oa. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 4")

After the Enterprise had been guided to such a gate, the Manhunters moved to defend Oa from Sinestro only to be destroyed. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 5")

Once the threat had passed, Hal Jordan told the Oans of how the Manhunters had gone rogue in his reality. The Oans subsequently adjusted the Mahunters' programming so that this would not come to pass in their reality. (TOS - Stranger Worlds comic: "Issue 6")


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