Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See Martin for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Martin was a 23rd century Human man. He served as the communications officer aboard the Federation guardship Dorado in 2265.


In 2265, Martin backed Erhard Voss's plan to mutiny and seek political asylum in the Klingon Empire, but was uncertain about Voss's choice to keep Lieutenant Horek aboard. He established contact with Klingons who invited them into their territory, and opened an airlock so that a Klingon envoy in a Klingon transit-hopper shuttlecraft could parley with them.

Later, Martin counted down the range during a surprise attack on the planet Necros and thought their helm was malfunctioning when the viewscreen showed their ship turning around. Voss quickly ordered the ship to reverse course, but the screens had been sabotaged by Spock with Horek's help, leading to the capture of the mutineers. (TOS comic: "Mutiny on the Dorado")

Martin did not wear a Starfleet uniform and appeared to serve in a non-Starfleet border patrol service.



Dorado personnel
UFP emblem. DuncanHorekLouis JagoKeffordMartinErhard Voss

