Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A friendly reminder regarding spoilers! At present the expanded Trek universe is in a period of major upheaval with the continuations of Discovery and Prodigy, the advent of new eras in gaming with the Star Trek Adventures RPG, Star Trek: Infinite and Star Trek Online, as well as other post-57th Anniversary publications such as the ongoing IDW Star Trek comic and spin-off Star Trek: Defiant. Therefore, please be courteous to other users who may not be aware of current developments by using the {{spoiler}}, {{spoilers}} OR {{majorspoiler}} tags when adding new information from sources less than six months old (even if it is minor info). Also, please do not include details in the summary bar when editing pages and do not anticipate making additions relating to sources not yet in release. THANK YOU


Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Welcome Members, those Star Trek fans who have registered here at Memory Beta, and contributed articles to the database. If you're just joining us (or have been here a while and are reading this page for the first time), add your name to the list below!

Name Home town Province/State, Country
"Farragut79" Duluth Minnesota, USA
Rick Trudai Columbus Ohio, USA
"Chops" Tacoma Washington, USA
"Turtletrekker" Puyallup Washington, USA
"Cicero" Chicago United States
"Bok2384" Redditch Worcestershire, UK
"Emperorkalan" New York New York, USA
"JDB" Arizona, USA
"Arcarsenal" Mount Vernon Ohio, USA
"8of5" Lincoln Lincoln, UK
"Sci" Ashtabula Ohio, USA
Jescissa zh'Vilyam Bangor UK
"zyphos" Dallas USA
"Stripey1" Manchester UK
The Doctor TARDIS UK
Julianbaischir Washington, D.C. USA
Tough Little Ship Londonderry UK
Ensign Fridan Manila Philippines
DukeEgr93 Durham North Carolina, USA
Pjotr'k Kalmar Småland, Sweden
Eric A. Stillwell Eugene Oregon, USA
Mchenry Rathdrum Ireland
JamieBattenbo Aberdare Wales
Darth Batrus Manchester UK
Elric428 New Jersey United States
"Timpendragon" Belfast/Baltimore Northern Ireland/Maryland,USA
JYHASH Eugene Oregon,USA
Data Noh Lubbock Texas,USA
Winterhawk Northglenn Colorado,USA
Connieramshaw Tacoma Washington,USA
Lt. Hoyyt Wonderland Canada
Tough Little Ship Londonderry Northern Ireland
Disorganized Houston TX, USA
Captain M.K.B. Quahog RI, USA
Montoc1701 St Albans UK
Kopernikus Luebeck Germany
Jdvelasc Madison WI, USA
Ramdar Goftar Oak Lawn United States
"Jex" Sheffield Yorkshire, England
CapnCrunch Oakdale Tennessee, USA
AT2Howell Houston Texas, USA
KBett Atlanta Georgia,USA
Revanche Port Orchard Washington, USA
ParrotTrek Richmond Virginia, United States
The Habs Fan Ottawa Ontario, Canada
Lt Cmdr Kevin Paulson Milwaukee Wisconsin
Jacob Daelen Broken Arrow Oklahoma, United States
Chip2007 Tottington Manchester, United Kingdom
Kelly Corbett Phoenix U.S.
Nerys Ghemor USA
UESPArules Pittsburgh PA
GinnyStar Wausau Wisconsin
Pahwraith Gotham City
Abe123 N/A Pennsylvannia
Jojobrituk Dayton Eglin AFB, Florida, United States
BrotherFlounder Jacksonville Columbia
tkhobbes Arlesheim Switzerland
Markonian Leipzig Saxony, Germany
TardisCaptain Salt Lake City Utah, United States
GusF TullamoreWP OffalyWP, IrelandWP
Broik Los Angeles California, United States
StarSword PittsboroWP North CarolinaWP, United StatesWP
Servo Iowa United States
Briet Budapest Hungary
Cohobbitation Albuquerque New Mexico, United States
Humanoid21 BrooklynWP New YorkWP, United StatesWP