Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Mirror, Mirror.

"Mirror, Mirror" was the 39th episode of Star Trek: The Original Series, and was novelized in Star Trek 3 by James Blish.


Beaming up from the planet Halkan James T. Kirk, Leonard McCoy, Montgomery Scott and Nyota Uhura find themselves accidentally transported to a parallel universe where the United Federation of Planets had been transformed into a vicious and ruthless Terran Empire and their evil twins have been transported to their universe!



Episode characters[]

Pavel ChekovPavel Chekov (mirror)Davis (mirror)Farrell (mirror)GaffneyBill HadleyBill Hadley (mirror)James T. KirkJames T. Kirk (mirror)John KyleWinston Kyle (mirror)Roger Lemli (mirror)Ryan LeslieLeonard McCoyLeonard McCoy (mirror)Marlena MoreauMarlena Moreau (mirror)Montgomery ScottMontgomery Scott (mirror)SpockSpock (mirror)Hikaru SuluHikaru Sulu (mirror)TharnTharn (mirror)Nyota UhuraNyota Uhura (mirror)Wilson (mirror)ISS Enterprise computer
Referenced only
Christopher Pike (mirror)Kenner

Novelization characters[]

Pavel ChekovPavel Chekov (mirror)James T. KirkLeonard McCoyMontgomery ScottSpockSpock (mirror)Hikaru SuluHikaru Sulu (mirror)Tharn (mirror)Nyota UhuraISS Enterprise computer
Referenced only
Karl Franz (mirror)Henry MorganMoreau

Starships and vehicles[]

ISS Enterprise (Constitution-class (mirror) heavy cruiser) • USS Enterprise (Constitution-class heavy cruiser)


Gorlan (planet)HalkaS Doradus IXHalka (mirror)Vega IXHalkan systemPanama

Races and cultures[]

HalkanHalkan (mirror)HumanTerran (mirror)Vulcan
Referenced only

States and organizations[]

FederationGestapoHalkan CouncilStarfleetStarfleet CommandTerran EmpireTerran Empire StarfleetKlingon Empire

Science and classification[]

Technology and weapons[]

agony boothagonizercommunicatordaggerphaserphaser couplingTantalus fieldtransporter

Rank and titles[]

admiralcaptaincaptain's womanchief engineerchief medical officercommandercommanding officercommunications officerdoctorEmperor of the Terran Empireensignfirst officerhelmsmanlieutenantlieutenant commandernavigatorscience officersecuritysecurity officersecurity chieftacticaltactical officer

Other references[]

2267alternate realityassassinationcreditdilithiumemergency manual monitorGorlan uprisingHalkaion stormlanding partymagnetic stormMartian scopolamandermirror universeparallel universepiracyscopolamanderTerran salutevoyages of the USS Enterprise, Year ThreeVulcan mind meld


Related media[]



  • The stardate of 3823.7 is derived from Q-Squared. The format of this stardate is in keeping with the four-digit standard maintained in TOS. Another source provides a contradictory date, as Dark Mirror asserts that "Mirror, Mirror" occurs on stardate 4428.9. It is possible that this one or the other derived from a different system of dates.


Episode images[]

Character and affiliation images[]
Starship and vehicle images[]
Technology and weapon images[]
Planet and location images[]

Adaptation images[]

Related stories[]

Stories featuring the mirror universe
Enterprise episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly" • prose: Age of the Empress • "Nobunaga"
Discovery episodes: "Into the Forest I Go" • "Despite Yourself" • "The Wolf Inside" • "Vaulting Ambition" • "What's Past Is Prologue" • "Terra Firma" • comics: Succession ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 3" • "Issue 4")
The Original Series episode: "Mirror, Mirror" • comics: Hell's MirrorThe Mirror Universe Saga ("... Promises to Keep" • "Double Image" • "Deadly Reflection!" • "The Tantalus Trap!" • "Masquerade!" • "Behind Enemy Lines!" • "The Beginning of the End..." • "Homecoming...") • Fragile GlassMirror Images ("Issue 1" • "Issue 2" • "Issue 4" • "Issue 5") • "The Mirror, Crackedprose: Voyage to AdventureSpectreDark VictoryPreserverThe Sorrows of Empire • "Ill Winds" • "The Greater Good" • games: The Adventure GameShattered Universe
Kelvin timeline comics: Mirrored ("Part 1" • "Part 2") • "Parallel Lives, Part 2" • Live Evil ("Part 1" • "Part 2" • "Part 3")
The Next Generation comics: "Mirror Images, Issue 3" • Mirror Universe Collection (TNG - Mirror Broken comics: "Origin of Data", "Prelude", "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5" • TNG - Through the Mirror comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5" TNG - Ripe for Plunder comics: "Chapter One", "Chapter Two", "Chapter Three", "Chapter Four", "Chapter Five" • TNG - Terra Incognita comics: "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Issue 5", "Issue 6") • ST: The Mirror War: "Issue 0", "Issue 1", "Issue 2", "Issue 3", "Issue 4", "Geordi", "Issue 5", "Issue 6", "Issue 7", "Issue 8" • ST: Warriors of the Mirror War: "Data", "Geordi", "Sisko", "Troi" • prose: Dark MirrorThreeThe Worst of Both Worlds • "The Traitor" • "The Sacred Chalice" • "For Want of a Nail" • Rise Like Lions
Deep Space Nine episodes: "Crossover" • "Through the Looking Glass" • "Shattered Mirror" • "Resurrection" • "The Emperor's New Cloak" • comic: "Enemies & Allies" • prose: Dark PassionsWarpathSaturn's ChildrenFearful Symmetry • "A Terrible Beauty" • The Soul Key • "Freedom Angst" • Disavowed
Voyager prose: The Mirror-Scaled Serpent • "Bitter Fruit" • comic: "Mirrors & Smoke"
New Frontier comics: Turnaround ("Part I" • "Part II" • "Part III" • "Part IV" • "Part V") • prose: Cutting Ties • "Homecoming"
Klingon Empire prose: "Family Matters" Titan prose: "Empathy" Vanguard prose: "The Black Flag"
Miniseries and anthologies RPG sourcebook: Through a Glass, Darklycomics: The Mirror Universe SagaTurnaroundMirror Imagesprose: Mirror Universe TrilogyMirror Universe (Glass EmpiresObsidian AlliancesShards and Shadows)


published order
Previous episode:
The Apple
TOS episode produced Next episode:
The Deadly Years
Previous episode:
The Changeling
TOS episode aired Next episode:
The Apple
Previous story:
Assignment: Earth
Star Trek 3
Next story:
Friday's Child
chronological order
Previous Adventure:
The Apple
Pocket Next Adventure:
The Deadly Years
Previous Adventure:
The Apple
Voyages of the
USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)
(2264 to 2270)
Next Adventure:
The Deadly Years

German : Spieglein, Spieglein..., translated by Hans Maeter. (Williams)
Turkish : Ayna, Ayna, translated by Reha Pinar. (Altın Kitaplar)
Dutch : Spiegelgevecht, translated by Jan Koesen. (Luitingh)
Italian : L'universo scambiato, translated by Rosella Sanità. (Arnoldo Mondadori Editore)
Czech : Zrcadlo, zrcadlo, translated by Jan Pavlík. (Práce & Bonus Press)

External link[]
