Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Money was a form of trade involving the use of certain materials considered by all involved parties to be of certain inherent value.

In 1969, Roberta Lincoln carried some spare change in her Peter Max designed handbag. (TOS novel: Assignment: Eternity)

By the 23rd century, the Federation had abandoned the normal use of money, favoring a philosophy of self-enhancement for all. (TNG movie: The Voyage Home, TNG movie: Star Trek: First Contact, DS9 episode: "In the Cards")

Despite this, the Federation retained a currency-based economic system involving the use of computer-based "credits". (TOS episode: "The Trouble with Tribbles")

By the 24th century, the majority of non-Federation worlds in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants adopted a monetary system backed by gold-pressed latinum. The Federation government eventually adopted an exchange rate between credits and latinum so as to further encourage free trade between member and non-member worlds.

It is unclear what the exchange rate is between credits and latinum.



Types of currency
materials acta crystalgolddiamondlatinumludugial goldsilverOrion energy orb
units bilbokcentcreditdarsekdecimdejebbitdirakdollardroknaducatdukorenergygalorine credit slipHuchileckernklon peaglaertian dinarleklitanotch-rockprime transfer authorityquatloosaktosousstellorszekett'chaktalontri-esta


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