Multiplanet Metals Incorporated logo.
Multiplanet Metals, Inc. was a corporation located on the planet Tellar, in the city of Gdurav, and formed on reference stardate 1/9902.28. In later years, its chartering organization became the Securities and Exchange Commission of the United Federation of Planets.
History and specifics[]
The company originates from mergers between several corporate bodies, becoming Multiplanet Metals and the Tellarite homeworld's largest (as well as only) mining corporation. Tellarites hoped that a government-supported act would cut their overheads to the point that it would allow them to outbid rival Andorian firms in regards to contracts for extracting planetary ores. By the later 23rd century, the firm's CEO was Oscar Palmersen. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
The company was divided into at least two sub-divisions, which included:
- Multiplanet Geologies
- Headed by Oscar Palmersen himself, this branch was responsible for planetary geological exploration. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
- Multiplanet Extractions
- A division responsible for planetary mining, its division head was Greuniv Garj. (FASA RPG module: The Federation)
In the 2260s, Multiplanet Metals leased a research laboratory at Deep Space Research Facility 39. (FASA RPG module: The Vanished)
Known employees[]
- Oscar Palmersen, president, division head
- Greuniv Garj, division head
- Sebastian Parvenu, lab administrator
- Lorraine Parvenu, chief researcher (metallurgist)
- Frederick McLaren, associate researcher (engineer)
- R'rowllar, associate researcher (technician)
- Elizabeth Moonlight, assistant researcher (technician)
- Shakar Navanti, assistant researcher (engineer)