Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Muroc.

Muroc was a male Vulcan alive in the 22nd century. (ENT episode: "Cease Fire")


Muroc was a member of the Vulcan High Command and by 2152 had reached the rank of Subcommander and been given command of a D'Kyr-class combat cruiser. That year, he was sent to settle a dispute between Vulcan and the Andorian Empire concerning the ownership of the planetoid Paan Mokar. He accompanied Ambassador Soval to a meeting with Earth Starfleet Captain Jonathan Archer aboard the Enterprise and when a settlement was reached later on, Muroc was among those toasting the occasion. (ENT episode: "Cease Fire")


In the 23rd century, a Federation Starfleet starship was named USS Muroc in the 2250s. (DSC episode: "Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum")

Alternate timeline[]

In an alternate timeline, Muroc was a fleet commander and considered the "hero of Paan Mokar". In the 22nd century, Muroc lived on Paan Mokar when Ambassador Soval was killed and the peace talks between Vulcans and Andorians broke down. Muroc waged a guerilla war against the occupiers and succeeded in driving them off the planet. Later on, he became fleet commander in the Invasion of Andoria and was instrumental in the planet's conquest by the Vulcan Protectorate. The Vulcan High Command starship VHC Muroc was named after him. (DTI novel: Forgotten History)


External link[]
