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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For the mirror universe counterpart, see TASA.
NASA Emblem

NASA's emblem

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was an agency of the United States government.

History and specifics[]


The flag of the United States, circa 2033.

NASA was established in 1958, to be responsible for that nation's civilian space program. Among the founding members was Dr. Archibald Dumont, who worked on NASA's Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo programs. (TOS comic: "Brighter Than a Thousand Suns")

NASA continued to operate into the mid 21st century, occasionally in cooperation with other global agencies. By the early 22nd century, NASA apparently was incorporated into the United Earth Space Probe Agency, which would later become part of the Starfleet of the United Federation of Planets.[citation needed]

Notable missions[]

Apollo program[]

The Apollo program was NASA's effort to send men to the moon and bring them safely back to Earth. This goal was achieved with Apollo 11 in 1969.

The Apollo program ultimately landed six crews of two on the moon. Centuries later, Department of Temporal Investigations agent Dulmer proved his superior knowledge of the Apollo program when he won a bet made with his partner, Gariff Lucsly. (VOY short story: "Almost... But Not Quite")

Space Transportation System[]

The STS, or "space shuttle", was Earth's first reusable space vehicle. The Enterprise (OV-101), commissioned in 1976, was the first Earth space vessel to bear the name.

Voyager program[]

The Voyager program was a series of unmanned probes intended to explore the outer solar system and space beyond. Voyager VI, launched in 1999, later returned to Earth as "V'Ger." (TOS movie, novelization & comic adaptation: Star Trek: The Motion Picture)

Lewis & Clark[]

In the year 2020, NASA oversaw the launch of the USS Lewis & Clark, which carried the first humans to reach the outer solar system and to reach Saturn. (TOS novel: The Rings of Time)

Ares program[]

Administrated in conjunction with the International Space Agency, Ares was planned as an international manned mission to Mars. In 2032, Ares IV achieved this goal. (VOY episode: "One Small Step")

It is unclear whether there was an Ares I, II or III, or what were the accomplishments of those prior missions, but by the early 2000s, NASA did indeed begin work towards the intended goal of an international manned mission to Mars, with part of the project called "Ares IWP".


The ESS Charybdis was the third manned mission of exploration beyond the Sol system, lost in 2037. (TNG episode: "The Royale")

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External links[]
