Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The NI-1039 was a 23rd and 25th century Section 31 starship, a Turing-class intel science destroyer in Control Borg service in the 2410s decade. This vessel was a simulacrum made reality through Excalbian conceit. (STO - Legacy mission: "The Measure of Morality (Part 2)")

Service history and disposition[]

NI-1039 registry

The NI registry number on the ship's hull.

On stardate 84999.22 in January 2411, Yarnek pulled a Khitomer Alliance starship with Captain Seven of Nine aboard into Excalbia's orbit to finish the Excalbian study on the concepts of good and evil. Seven of Nine and a simulacrum of Commander Micheal Burnham were made to proof the value of good by fighting in Excalbian scenarios. One scenario placed Seven, Burnham and their away team in an alternate reality at Essof IV in the year 2257. Control, after taking over Section 31 operative Leland and his ship, had arrived at the planet and destroyed the USS Discovery. Control turned surviving Discovery personnel into shock troops. Control and its troops attacked Burnham's team on the surface, who tried to summon the Red Angel. In the altercation, the Borg nanoprobes of Seven of Nine merged with the Section 31 nanites of Control, creating a Borg drone clone of Seven. The alternate Seven escaped and Control was incapacitated. The simulacrum of Abraham Lincoln returned with Burnham's team to Excalbia in 2411. (STO - Legacy mission: "The Measure of Morality (Part 1)")

Seven of Nine defeated the Borg Queen simulacrum and became queen of her own Borg Collective. During the Battle of Excalbia with "good" simulacrum starships, Borg Queen Seven of Nine summoned the "evil" simulacrum ships from the previous scenarios. NI-1039 appeared as a fully assimilated starship and was destroyed in the ensuing battle. (STO - Legacy mission: "The Measure of Morality (Part 2)")




Turing-class stealth ships
Federation, Section 31 NCC-93068NCIA-93NI-1038NI-1101Samedi Federation icon image. {{{2}}} icon image.
Control Borg NI-1039 Control Borg icon image.

