The Nausicaans are an aggressive humanoid civilization native to the planet Nausicaa III in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant.
History and specifics[]
The Nausicaans have a reputation as thugs, pirates, and hired muscle. These tall, muscled brutes take what they like and have few qualms about who they work long as said employer is willing, and able, to pay up. Nausicaans enjoy drinking and gambling in their spare time; they are notorious dom-jot hustlers, and usually think nothing of cheating. (TNG episodes: "Samaritan Snare", "Tapestry")
In 2058, Naussican raiders boarded the lost Vanguard colony. The inhabitants attempted to greet them peacefully, but to no avail. Over 200 colony residents were killed before the Nausicaans were driven off. The colonists referred to them as "tuskers". (TLE novel: The Sundered)
Nausicaans often pirated smaller ships, attacking and stealing their supplies. (ENT episode: "Fortunate Son")
In 2152, while time traveling, Doctor Phlox saw a possible future in which Enterprise was attacked by Nausicaan pirates. (ENT short story: "Cabin E-14")
Kajek was a Nausicaan Bounty hunter that was in the employment of the Orion Merchant-Prince Ganz. Kajek performed several missions for Ganz in the late 23rd century. (VAN - Declassified novella: The Stars Look Down)
In the 2370s, Nausicaans were hired as bodyguards and enforcers, such as by Brunt of the Ferengi Commerce Authority or by the Orion Syndicate. (DS9 episodes: "Bar Association", "Prodigal Daughter")
Prior to 2377, a Nausicaan was assimilated by the Borg and turned into an Advanced Borg Drone. In that year, it was encountered on Borg sphere 634 by Lieutenant Alexander Munro. (ST video game: Elite Force II)
In 2380, a Nausicaan served as a bouncer in the Cantino, a bar on a space station near Idryll space. (ST video game: Elite Force II)
In 2389 the Gorn Hegemony hired the Nausicaans to fight for them during the Klingon-Gorn War. Two years after the 2403 fall of Gornar, they signed a non-aggression pact with the Klingon Empire. (ST website: The Path to 2409)
By 2409 many Nausicaans served in the Klingon Defense Force. (ST video game: Star Trek Online)
First Splinter timeline[]
In 2376 Nausicaan rogue agents attacked Starbase 92. (SCE eBook: Past Life)
Iliana Ghemor used Nausicaans in 2376 and 2377. One served her aboard a Besinian freighter, while Savonigar was hired to kill the mirror universe Ghemor. (DS9 novels: Bajor: Fragments and Omens, Warpath)
During the Borg Invasion of 2381 Nausicaa was attacked by the Borg and left uninhabitable. The survivors of the attack resorted to piracy to survive before Commander Worf of the USS Enterprise was able to use his influence with Chancellor Martok to provide them with the planet Kremlat as a new homeworld. While nominally a Klingon world, Kremlat's hostile climate meant the Klingons were never able to settle or exploit Kremlat's resources, but the Nausicaans were well suited to their new homeworld. (TNG novel: Collateral Damage)
The Nausicaans are an anarchial society organize mostly into families, with the strongest Nausicaans bullying and dominating the weaker ones, with the weak doing all the work for the former. Survival is the greatest virtue in Nausicaan society, as they believe that the strong survive and prosper by their strength while the weak survive by doing what they’re told due to their world being home to some massive creatures. After becoming old enough to survive on their own, Nausicaans work for the family.
Interactions with others mostly involve friendly greetings and one-upmanship, which can turn into shouting claims of mighty deeds and adventures—either real or fictious—to highlight the honor of their own families and themselves. Fighting is common, for Nausicaans but serious injury is not.
Nausicaans are usually employed as brute force labor because they treat other races the same way they treat each other. Their civilization has risen to the level of Federation Standard technology, save for weapons and high warp technology for their ships as no galactic power see any benefits in providing such dangerous technology to a violent and lying race. The species is mostly seen employed as labor and given their history and pride in high piracy, many Nausicaans who leave their world the Orion Syndicate or other unsavory organizations or ships.
In terms of cheating, Nausicaans is only considered bad if someone is caught at it—and then, if the cheater is strong enough to defend his honor, the cheater is lionized. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)
The Nausicaans believe in gods known as the Four Winds who inhabit the Heart of the Sky. (DS9 novel: Warpath)
Nausicaan tusk opera is a form of music created by the Nausicaans, and is very popular amongst other species - even species they don't have a good relationship with. (SCE eBook: Enigma Ship)
Nausicaan weapons, common[]
- Club (short range; see below)
- 4-bladed scythe (mid-range)
- Spear (mid-range)
- Tegolar sword (short range)
- Warstaff (special; see below)
Nausicaans are also known to use commandeered phasers, Romulan disruptors, Andorian chakas, and Vulcan trillpas.
Club stats[]
Length: 40-60 centimeters Mass: 0.5-1.5 kilograms
A Nausicaan fashions a warstaff by cannibalizing parts from phasers (or disruptors) and fastening them to a staff. The power-cell is rigged along the length of the pole; the prefire-chamber and emitter-crystal are fixed to one end. A variety of blades protruding from both ends round out construction. A warstaff can be used as a club, a spear, a scythe, or an energy weapon; it also looks particularly menacing. Its stats are as follows: Length: 2 meters Mass: 5 kilograms Energy: 160-1,500 charges
Known Nausicaans[]
This article or subsection has an associated category. | Nausicaans |
Appearances and references[]
- TNG episode: "Tapestry"
- TNG novel: Collateral Damage
- DS9 episode: "Bar Association"
- DS9 novel: Bajor: Fragments and Omens
- DS9 novel: Warpath
- DS9 novel: The Soul Key
- DS9 eBook: Lust's Latinum Lost (and Found)
- DS9 comic: "Too Long a Sacrifice"
- DS9 - The Secret of the Lost Orb comic: "The Search"
- ENT episode: "Fortunate Son"
- TTN novel: Fortune of War
- PIC novel: Rogue Elements
- ST - A Time to... novel: A Time to Heal
- PIC novel: Firewall
External links[]
- Nausicaan article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Nausicaan article at Star Trek Online Wiki.