The Naxerans were a humanoid race native to the planet Naxera, distinguished by a set of frills extending horizontally on either side of their noses, their ebony-dark skin and gold-colored eyes. However, an off-shoot race, the Weyrie, had white skin and blue eyes. Naxerans did not sleep, nor did they dream.
Naxeran society was divided into castes: the G'Dok, or ruling class; the Leahru, or middle class; and the Efram, or working class. These caste names were incorporated into the individuals names.
As of 2336, at least one Naxeran, Thule G'Dok Glemoor, served in Starfleet. (ST - The Lost Era novel: Well of Souls)
- Though it's never explicitly stated, the Naxerans are likely not Federation members (at least as of 2336), because of their caste system. Glemoor's membership in Starfleet would then be a singular situation, akin to that of Worf or Nog.