- For other uses, see Neelix.
Neelix was a 24th century Human mutant, an amphibious transwarp evolutionary lifeform who lived on Old Doc's planet in the Delta Quadrant in the 2370s decade. He was named after the Talaxian man Neelix. (ST - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks")
- This character is a member of the Janeway family.
- This character is a member of the Paris family.
The Human Starfleet officers Captain Kathryn Janeway and Lieutenant Tom Paris of the Federation starship USS Voyager mutated after travelling at transwarp velocity aboard the shuttlecraft Cochrane in the year 2372. Paris and Janeway, mutated into a salamander-like form, abandoned the shuttle in a jungle on the fourth planet of an uninhabited star system on stardate 49373.4. During their time as mutants, Janeway and Paris had offspring. Following their rescue, the Doctor returned the two officers to their Human form and they decided not to discuss their offspring again. (VOY episode: "Threshold")
During their time on the planet, Janeway and Paris were devoted parents. Neelix was one of four children. He swam upstream, away from the family's nest at a pond. Unfortunately, Neelix was killed by Old Doc. As a result, the parents warned Neelix's siblings, B'Elanna, Tuvok and Harry, from swimming upstream.
Following Janeway's and Paris's departure, B'Elanna and Harry discussed their vanishing in relation to losing their brother Neelix. (ST - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks")
- ST - Strange New Worlds V short story: "On the Rocks" (referenced only)