Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

A neurocortical monitor, sometimes called a cortical monitor, was a small sensor used to record brain activity.

In 2368, Reginald Barclay used pieces of a discarded neurocortical monitor to construct a device which would block telepathy. (TNG short story: "Thinking of You")

In 2374, Commander Bruce Maddox wore cortical monitors while recovering from injuries caused in the attack on the Daystrom Institute Annex on Galor IV. (TNG novel: Immortal Coil)

Later that year, Spock wore a neurocortical monitor while being treated in the USS Sovereign's sickbay. (ST novel: Spectre)

In 2375, Crell Moset used neurocortical monitors on Dal Corbin and a Jem'Hadar while experimenting on them. (TNG novel: The Battle of Betazed)

In 2378, the Doctor used cortical monitors on Sek and Tuvok when the former administered the fal-tor-voh treatment to the latter. (VOY novel: Homecoming)

Later that year, Jarem Kaz used cortical monitors on Chakotay during his physical. (VOY novel: Old Wounds)

Towards the end of the year, the USS Enterprise-E's EMH used cortical monitors on Jipta. (TNG novel: A Time to Sow)

In 2380, T'Ryssa Chen wore a cortical monitor while in telepathic communication with NGC 6281. (TNG novel: Greater Than the Sum)

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