Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
New Intel Science Vessels cover

Blog cover.

New Intel Science Vessels! is a Star Trek Online dev blog published on the ARC website on September 24, 2019. The developer blog was written by Cryptic Studios systems designer Jette “CrypticSpartan” Leavens. This blog is an entry in the Star Trek Online series Season 18: Awakening. It introduces two new intel science vessel classes, one for KDF and Starfleet each, and their fleet versions. When the blog went live, these new intel science vessels went on sale in the game's Zen Store.


The blog is written from a real-world perspective and first introduces the "Somerville Intel Science Vessel [T6]", playable by Starfleet characters, and characters from non-KDF factions who have chosen Starfleet faction allegiance.

The next paragraph presents the stats of the "Batlh Intel Science Vessel [T6]", the KDF and KDF-aligned counterpart. While the Somerville follows the aesthetic of 25th century Starfleet, the Batlh reproduces the appearance in Star Trek: Discovery.

Following a description of the ship's special abilities, with the universal console in particular, the next pair of paragraphs showcase the ships' fleet versions, the "Fleet Hernandez Intel Science Vessel [T6]" and the "Fleet Batlh Intel Science Vessel [T6]".

The blog closes with the usual statement that info is subject to change.

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