The New Romulus vanity shield, also New Romulus Reman vanity shield, was a Romulan Republic technology, a vanity shield array available for Allied starships and shuttlecraft in the early 25th century. (STO - Victory Is Life mission: "Storm Clouds Gather")
When the Dominion became increasingly involved again with galactic affairs in 2410, the Alpha Quadrant Alliance upped its reputation system limit to Tier 6. One of the technologies gained by AQA commanding officers by reaching Tier 6 reputation within the New Romulus reputation was a dedicated vanity shield. While having no offensive or defensive value, equipping this shield array overrode a vessel's hull material, giving the hull a black sheen with green highlights, and turning the bussard collector and warp plasma bright teal. Overall, the hull resembled that of Reman warbirds, or vessels equipped with the Reman prototype covariant shield array. (STO - Victory Is Life mission: "Storm Clouds Gather")
Related ship classes are sorted together, rather than alphabetically.
Dominion Vanguard Fleet vessels[]
Federation Starfleet vessels[]
Ferengi Alliance vessels[]
External link[]
- New_Romulus_Reman_Vanity_Shield article at Star Trek Online Wiki.