Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

New Sahara was a planet located in the region of space known as The Triangle, and was one of two marginal Class M worlds in the Oeth System, the other being New Siberia.

As the name implies, New Sahara was a desert world with a hot, dry climate and little surface water outside of two oceans located near the polar regions. The planet would have been uninhabited if it were not for a compound found within its vast quantities of sand. Known as Hard Sand, the compound could be used to create one of the strongest high-temperature ceramics in the galaxy. Hard Sand would even been used in the construction of starship engines.

As the planet had few, if any other resources, most of its supplies had to be imported, including water from neighboring New Siberia.

The government of the two planets, New Sahara and New Siberia, were shared. The Grandmaster, the leader of the government, was elected to a five year term, along with 60 Grand Senators (30 from each of the two planets).

Both planets considered themselves to be unaligned to any major power. (FASA RPG module: The Triangle)

Although not stated, the name of the planet implies that it was settled by Humans, or mostly Human colonists from Earth.


The Triangle
Systems and planets 34 Kraol (34 Kraol III) • Aarra (Aarris) • ActonnAgiirrat (Lantos) • Akers (Akers IV) • Altharra (Altharra IV) • Archibald (Archibald II) • B'Lev (B'Lev I) • Baker's WorldBandageBeta OrigiiBrozBu'Uli Tev (Bu'Uli Tev III) • CanchikaCarwile's WorldChakChanivievCh'Lestam VIIIColil VComstockCurrieCyclopusD'Kornam IIID'Latta IVDerigoDeerlamDevotionDoo IIIEplieyEssaian system (Essai) • EternityFarkinFan'Cam XFlitner VFloodFooled AgainFountainworldFreeloaderFreeman's PortGamonGanarra IIIGeislingGibraltarGreenH'LassHadalib VHavenHootIovineJav VIIJemisonJonny's RetreatK'KaarrK'LinsannK'Tazza VIIK'Tinnam IIKachtulla VIIKallendevaKannagaKinarraKuurg Durl IVLaflinLakelandLaldan VILanroche VIIILasustelvan VILazarra IVLendis Wavamm IIIM'LavolemMandukisivasMantievMarram IXMartin's Star IIIMattarra IIIMazeMeadowMerimeeMorning GardenMraardaMrang INavassa VNew New AberdeenNew ParadiseNew SaharaNew SiberiaNewlin IIINiic IVNicoliiNorth PasadenaOverlinnPassarra's DreamPaxton IIIPaxton IVPenchan IIPluuh IIPrecipicePolinQurellet IIIR'Limam VIIIR'O IIRashileRemfryRenarvasamRibald QuestRockhavenSatterfeldSchneiterSinnaway (Thisisit) • Stork's RestT'Vant (T'Vant VI) • Takanarra (Takanarra II) • TannineTurbulenceTurningpointVeneradt (Veneradt III) • Verianne (Verianne III) • WallWorkdayYel'CamacYeartesZannaduu (Zannaduu IV) • Zwaalan the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image. Triangle icon image.
space station outposts Defense Outposts 102524665780797 Federation icon image.