A newspaper was a digital or printed publication that contained news articles written by reporters.
A newspaper published issues regularly, most often daily or weekly. Printed pages were folded together, rather than stapled, did not have a cover, and were larger than a book or magazine.
In the 22nd century, newspapers could be output from a personal printer. (ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing)
In the 23rd century, the user could specify sections for printing, such as news, editorial, features and comics. The printer had a recycling slot for used papers. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
Newspaper media survived into the 24th century. Reporter Edmund Atkinson worked for The Times for at least 30 years. (TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace, ST novel: A Singular Destiny).
Also in the 24th century, Starfleet Academy published a newspaper. (TNG novel: The Best and the Brightest)
In the 1930s of a timeline he altered when time traveling through the Guardian of Forever and saving the life of Edith Keeler, the USS Enterprise's Doctor Leonard McCoy awaited the arrival of James T. Kirk and Spock. When they didn't come, he followed her advice and placed classified ads in several New York City newspapers, including the The New York Times, The World, and The Star Dispatch, in hopes that his messages would guide his friends in the 23rd century. After five months, he expanded his ad placements into newspapers throughout the state of New York, then to other American daily papers, and then to international cities. He also visited the New York Public Library and scoured papers published in Baltimore, Boston, San Francisco, Washington, D.C., Great Britain, France, Ireland, Argentina, Switzerland and Italy. On one day, he searched the classified sections of The Philadelphia Enquirer, The Times-Picayune, The New York Times, and Italy's Corriere della Sera for reply messages. After receiving no response after two years, he gave up and moved out of the 21st Street Mission in New York City. (TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows)
Also in March 1930, Spock reviewed editions of various newspapers through his tricorder to locate a divergence in the flow of time. It displayed conflicting accounts on the life of Edith Keeler. A February 23, 1936 edition of one paper displayed the headline "FDR Confers With Slum Angel 'Angel'." Yet in another paper he read about her dying in an automobile accident. (TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: The City on the Edge of Forever)
In the 1950s, a newspaper reporter and photographer covered the story of an asylum inmate who was a missing person. The inmate stated his name, then became so frenzied that he had to be sedated. The story with accompanying photos appeared on the front page of the local paper with the headline "Who Is This Man?" Nobody came forward who knew "Captain James T. Kirk". Three hundred years later, the newspaper article was found during a records search by Spock. (TOS - The New Voyages short story: "Mind-Sifter")
In 1953, Benny Russell was reading a newspaper when Jimmy approached him, offering him watches. (DS9 episode: "Far Beyond the Stars")
In 1986, San Francisco area newspapers covered the release of humpback whales George and Gracie. A more sensational publication featured the story "Aliens Land in Golden Gate Park", containing interviews with a garbageman, joggers, and someone who had spotted a helicopter lowering a glass panel into nothingness. On page three, that edition reported the growth of a new kidney by a woman at Mercy Hospital. A follow-up story was headlined "Military Coverup, Alien Spacecraft Sighted In Alaskan Waters. Fisherman Almost Captured." (TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Whales Weep Not")
In 1999, a time traveling Spock observed that current newspaper headlines implied readers were mostly interested in sex, political scandals, and sports. Ads of the time promoted psychic email, hair restoration, and weight loss programs that did not require exercise. He was, however, intrigued by an article about the discovery of lost Phoenician Homeric ships, the oldest deep-sea wreckage ever found. (ST audiobook: Spock vs. Q)
In 2052, the San Diego Chronicle extensively covered Earth's first beaming of a chimpanzee, Harry. (TNG comic: "Forgiveness")
Henry Archer kept copies of old newspapers. In 2123, Jonathan Archer recalled having seen an image of Dr. Lily Sloane in one of them. (ENT - Strange New Worlds V short story: "A Girl for Every Star")
In 2253, on the day that McCoy's wife Jocelyn Treadway left him, he was reading a newspaper. An ad from Starfleet seeking doctor applicants caught his eye. (TOS novel: Planet of Judgment)
In 2266, Space News reported on the first press conference given by revived 20th century celebrity Alfred Bleikoff at the Taj Mahal. (TOS comic: "Prophet of Peace")
In 2267 on Magna Roma, Spock perused a table full of newspapers and periodicals, then thumbed through a couple of the magazines. (TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: Bread and Circuses)
In 2268, during a mission to Melkot, a landing party from the USS Enterprise saw the 26 October 1881 edition of the Tombstone Epitaph. (TOS - Star Trek 3 novelization: The Last Gunfight)
Detective Dixon Hill read newspapers, or at least Jean-Luc Picard thought he did. They were visible in his holoprograms. (TNG episode: "The Big Goodbye"; TNG - Strange New Worlds V short story: "The Monkey Puzzle Box")
Picard bought a 1942 newspaper as Dixon Hill while roleplaying in the holonovel The Rich and the Dead in 2369. (TNG comic: "The Rich and the Dead!")
In 2375, Q was seen reading a newspaper with the headline "Lyra Galaxy devoured by Greedy Singularity" and the subhead "Nacene Blamed." He showed this paper to Harry Kim and Tom Paris. (VOY - String Theory novel: Evolution)
- Star Trek authors Michelle A. Bottrall, Kevin Dilmore, Robert T. Jeschonek, Kevin Lauderdale, Andy Mangels, J.R. Rasmussen, and Brian Seidman have written newspaper articles, having worked either as a reporter, editor and/or freelance writer.
- Editor Paula M. Block's first exposure to Star Trek fandom came from seeing an ad in her university's school newspaper. (Biography, Strange New Worlds I)
- Twenty Star Trek stories set in the 2270s were published in daily newspapers in the US Comic Strips series from 1979-1983.
- Albany Times-Union (1857- , New York)
- Amsterdam News (1909- , New York)
- Atlanta Constitution (1886- Atlanta)
- Corriere della Sera/The Evening Courier (1876- , Italy)
- Greenville Journal Gazette (20th century, South Carolina)
- London Times (1785- , London)
- New York Age (1887-1960, New York)
- The New York Times (1851-1990s, New York City)
- New New York Times (21st century, New York City)
- Orlando Post Dispatch (21st century, Orlando, Florida)
- The Philadelphia Enquirer (1829- , Philadelphia)
- San Diego Chronicle (21st century, San Diego)
- San Francisco Chronicle (1965- , San Francisco)
- San Francisco Register (20th century, San Francisco)
- Space News (23rd century, Earth)
- Starfleet Academy newspaper (24th century, Earth)
- The Star Dispatch (20th century, New York City)
- The Times (Earth)
- The Times-Picayune (1837- , New Orleans, Louisiana)
- Tombstone Epitaph (Late 19th century, Tombstone, Arizona)
- UFP Today (Federation)
- USA Today (1982- , United States of America)
- Village Voice (1955-2018, New York City)
- The Washington Post (1877- , Washington, DC)
- The World (1860-1931, New York City)
Fictional newspapers[]
- TOS episode & Star Trek 2 novelization: The City on the Edge of Forever
- TOS - Star Trek 3 novelization: The Last Gunfight
- TOS episode & Star Trek 11 novelization: Bread and Circuses
- TOS - The New Voyages short story: "Mind-Sifter"
- TOS comic: "Prophet of Peace"
- TOS novel: Planet of Judgment
- TOS movie: The Voyage Home
- TNG episode: "The Big Goodbye"
- TNG comic: "Forgiveness"
- DS9 episode: "Far Beyond the Stars"
- TNG - Strange New Worlds V short story: "The Monkey Puzzle Box"
- ENT - Strange New Worlds V short story: "A Girl for Every Star"
- TOS - Strange New Worlds VI short story: "Whales Weep Not"
- VOY - String Theory novel: Evolution
- TOS - Crucible novel: Provenance of Shadows
- TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace
- ST novel: A Singular Destiny
- ENT - The Romulan War novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing
- TOS novel: The Final Reflection
- VOY episode: "Investigations"
- VOY - Starfleet Academy novel: Quarantine
- TNG novel: The Best and the Brightest
- ST audiobook: Spock vs. Q
- VOY novel: The Badlands
- DSC episode: "Terra Firma, Part 1"
- TNG novel: A Time for War, A Time for Peace
- ST novel: A Singular Destiny
- ST reference: Federation: The First 150 Years
External links[]
- Newspaper article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Newspaper article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.