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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
See Henderson for other articles with titles that contain, either by relationship or by coincidence, this character's surname.

Newt Henderson was a 23rd century Human man, a colonist on Ribol II.


Henderson was a member of the Ribolian Settlers League. In the year 2269, the Federation starship USS Enterprise was sent to Ribol II to assist in the world's agricultural crisis, in which continent-wide herds of dranzers had been trampling the colony's crops. Henderson took James T. Kirk, Spock, and Leonard McCoy in an aircar to explain the crisis and provide a safe view from the air. He cut engines and glided silently over a section of the herd so the landing party could get a clear view of the animals, but suggested departing when the vehicle's shadow began disturbing them.

Later, Henderson provided Kirk with several high-speed groundcars for use in diverting the path of 100 million animals, and rode with Kirk in one of the vehicles. Highly concentrated synthetic dranzer musk was deployed to attract the herd behind them. During the trip, however, Henderson panicked, thinking their vehicle was trapped on all sides and low on fuel. In actuality, they'd caught up to the rear of the herd they were leading, and had succeed in redirecting the dranzers into a circular path west of the colony. (TOS audiobook: The Logistics of Stampede)


