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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Newton.

The Newton class[1] was a 23rd century[2] Federation[2] starship type, a battleship[1] based on the hull of the 2230s-era[2] Einstein-class surveyor, in Starfleet service by the 2250s[2] decade. (TOS movie: Star Trek)

Service history and specifications[]

The Newton-class battleship was named after the Human scientist Sir Isaac Newton, from 1600s Earth. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

USS Newton

The Newton departs Starbase 1.

The Newton-class hull shared the same basic components and design language of the Einstein class, active in the 2230s. Unlike the Einstein, the Newton featured a "half-saucer", attached to a central hull that flared into a pair of downward-angled pylons. Both carried a thin engineering hull. A circular, blue navigational deflector formed the forward end of either engineering hull, while shuttlebays with clamshell doors sat at the aft end.

The upper pylons held one warp nacelle each, and extended from tall, thin struts placed halfway between edge and impulse engine on either side of the of the saucer. A flat strut connected the nacelles with one another. It held a torpedo launcher platform above the rest of the ship.

The primary impulse engines, glowing red, were attached at the bag of the circular module in the center of the saucer, underneath the bridge. Additional, white-blue impulse engines sat at the end of the warp nacelles. (TOS movie: Star Trek)


Intrepid-class battleship.

The Intrepid-class battleship, active in the 2260s and based on United Earth's Intrepid-class light cruiser from the 2150s, shared its half-saucer with the Newton class, except a small deflector sat in front of the ventral sensor dome. Unlike the Newton, the Intrepid-class ship's warp nacelles were raised by the pylons instead of saucer-mounted struts, and there were no additional engineering hulls. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

In the Kelvin timeline, this class was in service by 2258. In that year, Starfleet launched a brand-new USS Enterprise with a new, more advanced-looking hull material and geometry.

USS Newton 1787

USS Newton (NCC-1787) in 2258.

The USS Newton was docked at Starbase 1 when the time-displaced 24th century Romulan mining vessel Narada attacked Vulcan. The Vulcan High Command issued a distress call, and the Newton joined the ships undocking from Starbase 1 one to respond. Enterprise was delayed and found only debris of the fleet in Vulcan's orbit. (TOS movie: Star Trek)

Following the destruction of the previous Newton in the Battle of Vulcan, Starfleet launched a successor ship of the same class and higher registry, which helped save the Vulcans from obliteration at the hands of the Romulans in the Battle of Ceti Alpha V in 2258. (TOS - Legacy of Spock comic: "Part 4")

In 2259, the USS Biddeford was one of three Newton-class battleships docked at Starbase 1 soon after the attack on the Kelvin Memorial Archive in London on Earth. (TOS movie: Star Trek Into Darkness)


USS Newton in 2273.

From 2262 to 2263, the second USS Newton, now carrying the NCC-1727 registry of its lost predecessor, participated in conflicts and missions in the disputed Neutral Zone. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

Deep Space E-5

Deep Space Station E-5.

In the primary universe, the original USS Newton remained active into the 2270s. In 2273, the Newton and an unnamed Miranda-class starship were involved in battle with a trio of Romulan Vas Hatham-class birds-of-prey. Q and the newly-ascended Will Decker part of V'Ger witnessed the battle, and the destruction of the Miranda ship. (TOS - Waypoint - Special comic: "Consider Eternity")

At least two ships of this class were docked at Deep Space Station E-5, located at a midpoint between the Romulan Neutral Zone and Sector 001, in 2371. (TOS - Spock: Reflections comic: "Issue 3")

Known vessels[]



Starship classes of the Federation Starfleet
subclass groups

Akira (AlitaArmitageThunderchild) • Ambassador (AlaskaNarendraYamaguchi) • Apollo (Akula frigate / light cruiser) • Cardenas (Buran) • Chesapeake (Mongrel) • Cheyenne (DakotaStargazer) • Concorde (Geneva battlecruiserPresidio) • Constellation (Challenger deep space explorer) • Chimera heavy destroyer (Manticore) • Constitution (AchernarBonhomme RichardTikopaiEnterpriseExeterExcaliburVesperKirkCrossfield (Glenn32nd century refit) • Danube (Yellowstone) • Decatur (Dreadnought) • Defiant (GallantIncursionNachthexenSao PauloValiantVigilant escort) • Dervish (GryphonHermes escortMaelstromTempest) • Destiny (NimbusOracleTrident) • Engle (Earhart) • Excelsior (BismarckCurryKirovNew JerseyResolute) • Galaxy (Andromeda (25th century)CelestialEnvoyGalaxy XMonarch cruiserRossVenture cruiserYamato dreadnought) • Hermes scout (CygnusMonoceros) • Inquiry (Avenger battlecruiserArbiter) • Hoover (Edison) • Intrepid (BellerophonCochrane science vesselDiscovery (25th century)JanewayPathfinderTrailblazerYeager) • Kumari (CharalKhyzon) • Luna (CometPolarisSolTitan) • Magee (Shran (escort)) • Malachowski (Helios (tug)) • Miranda (AntonReliantSoyuz) • Merian (Merian (dreadnought)) • Nebula (Magellan) • New Orleans (Lafayette) • Nimitz (Europa) • Norway (Oslo) • Nova (AuroraQuasarRhode Island) • NX (ColumbiaPoseidon) • Oberth (ClarkeGagarin (23rd century)GrissomSagan) • Odyssey (VerityYorktown (cruiser)) • Olympic (HopeHorizon science vessel) • Prometheus (CerberusHephaestusHestiaPhoenix) • Ptolemy (DollondDopplerKeppler) • Remora (Charger) • Saladin (CochiseSiva) • Santa Fe (Newport) • Saber (GladiusRapierUshaan) • Sentinel (EmissaryNomad cruiserVanguard) • Shepard (Gagarin (25th century)) • Solanae (HeliosMontgomeryOmega) • Sovereign (ArchonImperialMajesticNoble cruiserRegent) • Steamrunner (AppalachiaZephyr) • Vesta (AventineRademaker) • Walker (GeorgiouShenzhou ) • Wells (EternalOuroborosVerne)

Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. Seal of the Federation Starfleet.
other named classes

AA classAakennAchillesAdvanceAegianAeolusAerieAkula destroyer / escortAmbassador HardinAndesAndorAndromeda (24th century)AngelouAntaresApacheAquariusArcherArchimedesArk RoyalArielAscendantAtroxAvenger (scout)BabcockBaderBakerBaton RougeBerenaBodeBolarusBonaventureBradburyBrentonCaliforniaCanadaCanopusCapellaCastorCentaurCentaurusCeresCestusChallengerChandleyChariotChimerChimera fast frigateChristopherClarke (25th century)Cle DanCochrane transportColumbiaCondor (raider)ContinentContortrixCopernicusCourageDaedalusDauntlessDeckerDefenderDeltaD'KyrDenevaDerfDrexlerDurrettEagleEclipseEdwardEinsteinEisenbergEl Doradofuture EnterpriseEpochEpsilonErewonEternalFederationFenlonFermiFijiFreedomFriendshipFrontierGagarin (24th century)GalenGallantGangesGenevaGenserGracefulGraysonGriffonGuardianGeminiHaleHermes fast cruiserHestonHoganHokule'aHorizon cruiserIcarusIlthirinIndomitableIntrepid (22nd century)IowaIstanbulIwo JimaClass JJupiterKarekhKeithKethkinKievK'KmarakKolm-AnKorolevLarsonLauroLaweyaLegacyLenthalLexingtonLibertyLokiLoknarLondonMadisonMakinMannMarklinMarsMarshallM'BengaMediterraneanMercedMercury (courier)Mercury (escort)Mercury (scout)MerianMerian (dreadnought)MessierMeteorMidwayMissionMissouriMobulaiMoKalMoscowMulciberNarcineNautilusNelsonNiagaraNoble laboratory vesselNomad escortNorthamptonOberonOdinOdysseusOkinawaOppenheimerOrionOsakaOverfieldPaladin battlecruiserPaladin destroyerParliamentPaladin (24th century)PerseusPioneerPhalanxPhantomPhiladelphiaPinnaclePiperPolluxPortsmithPralimPremonitionProtostarProximaPyotr VelikiyPyreneesRakotaRanger battlecruiserRanger explorerRanger scoutRenaissanceRickenbackerRigelRochesterRoyal SovereignSagittariusSamsonSaturnSawyerScorpioScryerScyllaSequoiaSevaijenShiKahrSierraSolarSpringfieldSulekSurakSydneyTangentTheophrastusThomas PaineThucydidesThufirTiberiusTiconderogaUniverseTheseusTripperTritiumTyphonTyphoonUkoraUlyssesUralUtahVenture scoutVigilant scoutVoyagerWallenbergWambunduWei-FaWellingtonWilkersonWizardYamatoYorkshireYorktownZodiacunnamed

general type

Defiant pathfinderRaging QueenSun TzuValley ForgeFederation assault shipFederation battleshipFederation cargo shipFederation colony shipFederation construction shipFederation cruiserdeep galaxy shipFederation dreadnoughtFederation freighterFederation frigateFederation galaxy shipFederation holoshipFederation heavy cruiser (2380s heavy cruiser) • Federation light cruiser (Constitution-variant light cruiserIntrepid-variant light cruiser) • Federation medium cruiser (Excelsior-variant medium cruiser) • Federation mining freighterFederation repair shipStarfleet tanker

Starfleet starship classes
(Kelvin timeline)
Federation Starfleet AegisAntaresArbiterArmstrongConstitutionDefenderDreadnoughtEinsteinFreedomGuardianHeisenberg-typeHermesInterceptorIntrepidLoknarMayflowerNewtonneutronic fuel carrierNXRealtaSaladinSalcombe-typeTuras Federation icon image. Starfleet icon image.
Imperial Starfleet
(mirror universe)
Constitution (mirror) (Constitution (Kelvin timeline)Enterprise (Kelvin timeline)) {{{2}}} icon image.


External link[]
