Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Surgical fellow Nexa Ko Tor was a female Triexian Starfleet medical officer serving aboard the USS Aventine by 2381.

During the Borg Invasion of 2381, the Aventine attacked and captured a Borg scout, hoping to secure its vinculum. As the security personnel were using energy dampening devices, friendly fire incidents occurred. Nexa operated on Lieutenant Tane and Crewman Doron, along with Nurse L'Kem. The medical staff were unable to save any of the security personnel, and Doctor Nexa accepted her forced surrender with grace, declaring their times of death, along with Lieutenant Hutchinson. Doctor Simon Tarses ordered her to help Ilar Prem with two critically bleeding patients next. (ST - Destiny novel: Lost Souls)

USS Aventine personnel
Emblem of the United Federation of Planets. AltossS. BowersCh'MarasE. ConstantinoCupelliL. D'OdoricoN. DarrowE. DaxDexarEnglehornL. GlauS. GredenkoG. HelkaraHockneyT. KandelL. KedairN. K. TorC. KomerL'KemM. LeishmanLoskywitzMalayaO. MavroidisO. MirrenG. chim NakNavokP7-RedIlar P.RavosusN. RiordanP. RhysSelidokSimmerithT'PrelM. TakagiS. TarsesTharpTovakYlacamYott Seal of the Federation Starfleet.