Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Ngort-class light raider is a type of starship used by the Ferengi Alliance in the 24th century.

Technical specifications[]

These were more heavily armed warships compared to the Bronta-class explorers and were tasked with quick strike operations, mainly because their defensive capabilities made them poor choices in direct confrontation with enemy warships. They also possessed poor propulsion capabilities which were later enhanced in a type two model. (TNG video game: Birth of the Federation)


Ferengi starship classes
By name AcquisitionBrontaD'KoraD'VorGorontNagusNandiNa'FarNgort • (Nondisclosure) • OoronQuark • (Profit) • (Raider) • TokornTomax Emblem of the Ferengi Alliance.
By type armored transportbattlecruisercargo shipcolony shipexplorerfreighter (small freighter) • light raidermaraudermarauder (2410s)Ferengi merchantmerchant shippirate shipraiderscout (2350s)scout (2370s)survey vesselshuttle/podstrike cruiserwar cruiserwarship
translated names in parentheses