Niamlar Circle is the central location within the capital city of Rashtag on the planet Janalwa. Virtually all Kinshaya architecure and city planning was based on the circle, which their scriptures taught was the most perfect holy shape. As such, any new construction in Rashtag and all other Kinshaya cities was carefully planned to expand the circle symmetrically.
Curving around the eastern quadrant of the circle was the Cathedral of State, originally a simple single domed building but built up to a massive ornate multidomed complex. The Inquisitorial Palace sat at the western point of the circle.
In 2382, Niamlar Circle became the site of multiple public rallies by the Devotionalists, a group opposed to the orthodoxy, decadence, and waste of the current ruling regime. A first rally drew a crowd of slightly less than a thousand, and a security response by the Inquisitors - and Breen troops, who fired at the rioting crowd to force it to disperse. The following day, a second gathering amassed close to twenty thousand before the Inquisitors erected barricades at the entry points. The Breen response, at the behest of the local government leadership, triggered panic of those assembled. Between Breen disruptor fire and trampling, hundreds were dead, an event that became to be known as the Niamlar Massacre.(ST - Typhon Pact eBook: The Struggle Within)