The detonation of a nuclear weapon on Vulcan in the 4th century.
A nuclear weapon (also called atomic or thermonuclear weapon) is an explosive device which employs either nuclear fission or nuclear fusion in order to create a destructive blast and/or emit high doses of lethal radiation.

Proxtrite nuclear missile base.
The Vulcan species developed the technology early in their warfaring history, but rather then engage in a widespread disarmament program, they instead developed lesser forms of the "dirty weapons" such as neutron weapons designed to kill organic matter but leave the resources as well as structures behind. (TOS novel: Spock's World)
A Proxtrite military outpost on Scythe founded in the 13th century was loaded with nuclear missiles capable of obliterating Proxtrey. (TOS video game: 25th Anniversary mission: That Old Devil Moon)
Earth first developed nuclear weaponry in 1945 when the United States of America, under a program codenamed the Manhattan Project, created and detonated a device in Trinity, New Mexico. Two more nuclear bombs were then used against Japan to expedite the ending of World War II. Though the United States had only built two bombs by this point, their intention was to create the illusion that they had many more in its arsenal. (SCE eBook: Lost Time)
A test detonation of a fission weapon in July 1947 enabled Quark, Rom, Nog and Odo return from that period to 2372. (DS9 episode: "Little Green Men")
The United States attempted to place a nuclear weapons platform into Earth orbit in 1968, but this plan was sabotaged by Gary Seven. (TOS episode: "Assignment: Earth")
In 2259, Khan Noonien Singh claimed that the Augment leadership destroyed Washington, DC and Moscow with nuclear weapons in 1992. Due to fragmented records from the time, James T. Kirk and Spock could not verify his account, with the former suspecting that Khan was revising history to paint himself as the hero of the story. (TOS comic: "Khan, Issue 2")
Nuclear weapons were also extensively used during World War III.
In 2155, the Romulans used nuclear weapons against Earth's NX-class starship Discovery, leading to its destruction. Romulan vessels continued to carry such weapons into the 23rd century. (ENT novel: Beneath the Raptor's Wing, TOS episode: "Balance of Terror")

The detonation of a nuclear weapon in the mirror universe
In the mirror universe, the Terran Empire frequently made use of nuclear weapons. (ENT episode: "In a Mirror, Darkly")
In 2266, Spock had an atomic missile from the USS Enterprise loaded with certain chemicals and fired into the core of the planet Metamorpha in order to stabilize it. (TOS comic: "The Peril of Planet Quick Change")
Count Dressler, hoping to rule Earth from his small nation, manufactured hydrogen bombs at a time when the rest of the planet was negotiating to ban them. (TOS comic: "The Voodoo Planet")
External links[]
- Nuclear weapon article at Memory Alpha, the wiki for canon Star Trek.
- Nuclear weapon article at Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.