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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Devna.

The OSS Devna-Lev was a 22nd century Orion starship, a Maraar-class[1] barge in Orion Syndicate service in the 2150s decade. It's commanding officer was Harrad-Sar. (ENT episode: "Bound")

Service history[]


Harrad-Sar's barge in 2154.

On 27 December 2154, the Devna-Lev approached the Enterprise NX-01, and Harrad-Sar invited Captain Jonathan Archer, Lieutenant Malcolm Reed and two MACOs aboard his vessel to discuss a business proposition. They met in an opulent chamber decorated by Orion tapestries and with a banquet that included a spined pig. There they witnessed a dance by three Orion slave girls: Navaar, D'Nesh and Maras.

The ship returned a few days later to attack the Enterprise after its warp drive had been disabled and attempted to tow it away with a grappler. Commander T'Pol launched a positron burst up the cable that triggered an energy cascade and disabled the Devna-Lev's power systems. The Enterprise was released and Harrad-Sar and his ship were left to limp home at low impulse. (ENT episode: "Bound")

It took the Devna-Lev nearly a year to return home. (ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel)




Maraar-/Blackguard-class starships
Orion Colonies icon image. BlackguardCleaverColdstarDevna-Levunnamed Orion Syndicate icon image.

Appearances and references[]



  1. 1.0 1.1 CCG set: What You Leave Behind, card: "Harrad-Sar".
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 ENT episode: "Bound".
  3. 3.0 3.1 ENT - Rise of the Federation novel: Tower of Babel.

External link[]
