- For other uses, see Ocampa.
Ocampa was a star with an associated star system, located in the galaxy's Delta Quadrant, in or near the boundaries of the space claimed by the Kazon-Ogla sect, and over 70,000 light-years from the Alpha Quadrant Badlands. Ocampa was a type F yellow star with a magnitude of +5, the same as Sol, and was in the general vicinity of Oblissa and Keloda. (ST reference: Star Charts)
The system had at least five planets. The fifth planet, Ocampa V was a class H world and had been a class M planet until Nacene intervention deprived it of its nucleogenic particles. It was also the homeworld of the Ocampan civilization. On stardate 48317 (early in the year 2371), the Caretaker brought the USS Voyager all the way from the Alpha Quadrant to his array located just outside of the system. (VOY episode & novelization: Caretaker; Decipher RPG module: Worlds; ST reference: Star Charts)
System makeup[]
- Ocampa (type G yellow star, primary)
- Ocampa I
- Ocampa II
- Ocampa III
- Ocampa IV
- Ocampa V
- Caretaker Array