Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Odona in 2268.

Odona (or Odana) was a 23rd century Gideonite woman, the daughter of Prime Minister Hodin of the planet Gideon.


In the year 2268, Hodin had Odona meet with Starfleet Captain James T. Kirk on a mock-up of his starship, the USS Enterprise. Once contact was established, she would then contract Vegan choriomeningitis using Kirk's blood, a disease which Kirk had been cured of, but which still remained in his bloodstream. Odona's father then planned for the fatal disease to be spread amongst the inhabitants of Gideon in an attempt to reduce the population, as the Gideon people were immune to all diseases on their planet.

Doctor Leonard McCoy was able to cure Odona, but she was still able to infect her people, proving Hodin's plan to be successful. (TOS episode: "The Mark of Gideon")

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Odana was played by actress Sharon AckerMA. Although the original script spelled her name "Odana", the episode credits and all subsequent novelizations and reference works have used the spelling "Odona".

Appearances and references[]



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