Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Omicron Testus IV was a planet, the fourth planet of the Omicron Testus system, located at the frontier of Federation space in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants.


From orbit, Omicron Testus IV appeared greenish blue with some cloud cover.

Its third moon had an atmosphere and was home to an Andorian colony. (TOS - Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor comic: "Weeds")

The planet's fourth moon was described as a dead wasteland. (TOS - Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor comic: "Medics")


In 2271, not long after Leonard McCoy joined the Frontier Medics Program, he and Doctor Jon Duncan visited the Andorian colony and saved the life of an unborn child.

They engaged Joanna's warp drive after departing Omicron Testus IV, but the engines became unbalanced because Theela had stowed aboard. They couldn't return her because they picked up a medical distress signal from Ophiucus III and were obligated to proceed there immediately. (TOS - Leonard McCoy, Frontier Doctor comic: "Weeds")

Colony residents[]

  • Theela



planets visited by Joanna
Omicron Testus IVOphiucus IIIGamma Tarses VIIAlpha Tau IV


