Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ontanac Resputin was a 23rd century Human man. He was a Starfleet security officer assigned to the covert Operation Shadowfall project who served aboard the Wizard-class Federation starships USS Sparrowhawk and USS Merlin in 2270.


Lieutenant Resputin was well trained with superior knowledge of marksmanship, professional level training in unarmed combat, and qualified for zero gravity operations. He was a serious individual who brought little humor to his work.

In 2270, he was one of the security personnel aboard the Sparrowhawk during its manned flight test of a cloaking device, and was familiar with all aspects of the Operation. He was one of 15 beamed to safety as Shadowhawk's warp core detonated under suspicious circumstances.

Survivor's guilt subsequently haunted him, and he felt certain he should have been able to prevent the explosion. Resputin was reassigned to the Merlin for a follow-up test flight, serving under Security Chief Jack Tarrow. (FASA RPG module: Operation Shadowfall)



Operation Shadowfall
Starships USS MerlinNhat-LeUSS Sparrowhawk Federation icon image. Starfleet Command logo icon image.
Personnel CallinDobsonDvishomMilvinResputinSormilStroverTarrowTrimski
Facilities DO-2

