Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ophiucus VII was a planet, the seventh planet of the Ophiucus system, located in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants. In was the homeworld of the Ophiucan civilization.

History and specifics[]

In the 22nd century, the commercial scout Muddlin' Through was reported lost in the system's sector and had crashed on Ophiucus VII. Ophiucans were at a feudal state culturally, but began to advance rapidly after crash survivors provided them with technology from the wreck.

By the 2260s decade, Ophiucus VII was protected by a defensive space force made up of chemically-powered spacecraft. Ophiucans were close to developing nuclear power with the potential of being able to engage in nuclear war.

In the late 2260s, a starship orbited the planet and made contact with the Ophiucans. (TOS board game: The Adventure Game)

Gameplay offered various outcomes. If the starship was from Starfleet, contact might lead to a world unification effort and allying with the Federation. If the starship was from the Klingon Defense Force, some tactics led to bringing the planet into a neutral or pro-Klingon status.
In one permutation of gameplay, the Ophiucan fleet was used aggressively for pirate activity.


