The Order of Builders was a division of the Klingon Empire's Klingon Defense Force. In the 2410s decade, this branch operated Klingon shipyards across the Milky Way Galaxy. (STO - Empire mission: "First City")
History and specifications[]
In the 25th century, Vice Admiral S.J. Hemphill oversaw the Starfleet's Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) and its starship development projects. In 2410, she became the presiding officer of its Khitomer Alliance counterpart, the Allied Cooperative Starship Development Board (ACSDB). (STO website: Rise of Discovery: The Allied Cooperative Starship Development Board)
From that year on, shipyard interfaces at Earth Spacedock and other facilities overseen by Starfleet Shipyards Operations displayed active ship classes and their lead ships. These were often, but not always, the class prototypes. Its Klingon counterpart was the Order of Builders. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Welcome to Earth Spacedock")