Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Oriens Delta was a main sequence M-type star. The star's temperature was 58,000 degrees Kelvin, it measured 13.11 solar masses, 7.76 solar radii and a luminosity of 0.00062 that of Sol.

History and specifics[]

In the 24th century, the USS Enterprise-D spent time near this star, which was located at the edge of the Neutral Zone. The star had an extra high magnetic field which the Enterprise crew used to prevent detection by Romulan sensors. (TNG video game: Echoes from the Past)



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (O)
OblikOboraObra DaraanObsidian AbyssObyOccultOchsOctaviusOctifOdalOdibOforaOgusOhniakaOhopOk'cetOkernaOkor'tethOl DaraanOlariaOlassaOldvonOlioOlorvaOltionOlusOmegaOmega CentusOmega-1 CygniOmega-2 CygniOmega DraconisOmega GammaOmega MaelstromOmicron IndiOmicron PascalOmicron TestusOmicron ThetaOmnarisOmtoseOneldaOneliaOnellaOnenaOneremOnyiusOnyxOnzaOomaru (Oomaru) • OoregoOparaOphiucusOplaOppidum FrumentiOra MinraOrda-877OrdoverOrelixOrestesOridexOriens DeltaOrixOronessOrsaOrtellaOrtexaOr'vadiOrvethOrwellOsenaOshimaOsinarOssiumOstellonOtanaOtandaOtoraOva DaraanOvellionOxiraOxoma Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (O) OlmerakOmega AurigaeOmega PisciumOmega SagittaOmega SagittariiOmeklaOmicron DraconisOmicron LyraeOmicron PerseiOrelliusOriasOsadj Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (O) OgatOmega CorvusOmega Fornacis (Omega Fornacis A) • Omicron CetiOmicron EridaniOmicron GruisOmicron Leonis • Omicron Eridani (Omicron-1 EridaniOmicron-2 Eridani: Omicron-2 Eridani A, Omicron-2 Eridani B, Omicron-2 Eridani C) • OracoOrganiaOrionOssecOtha Prime Beta Quadrant icon image.

