Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Ornathia Lac was a male Bajoran who lived in the 24th century. During the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Ornathia was the leader of the Ornathia resistance cell of the Bajoran Resistance. Ornathia's sister was Ornathia Taryl and he had at least three cousins, Ornathia Sten, Ornathia Harta and Ornathia Delle. Ornathia was from the Tilar peninsula.

In 2346, Ornathia recruited Lenaris Holem into the Ornathia cell when they met in Relliketh, both for Lenaris' piloting skills and his previous dealings with Tiven Cohr, who Ornathia was seeking. In 2348, Ornathia was detained and interrogated by the Cardassians after he landed a Bajoran raider on Derna and was taken to a prison facility on Pullock V. Lenaris and the other Ornathia cell members attempted to rescue him, but they were unsuccessful and Ornathia was executed by the Cardassians. (ST - Terok Nor novel: Night of the Wolves)
