Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Orpheus.

The Orpheus was a Federation-registered freighter, an Altair-class starship launched in the mid-24th century.

Service history and disposition[]

In 2364, Orpheus carried a prototype space saver for experimental testing. An engineer accidentally turned it on, and it began transporting ship's personnel into a pocket dimension. When the people disappeared, other crew members' memories of them faded. The USS Enterprise-D arrived to assist, and Doctor Beverly Crusher and Lieutenant Natasha Yar boarded the vessel. Crusher was drawn into the device and discovered the missing crew. Once the device was opened, the missing crew were able to step back onto the freighter. Yar placed the ship under quarantine until investigatory protocols could be established. (TNG - Waypoint - Special 2019 comic: "Unfathom")

Crew manifest[]

  • Piper Baring, CO
  • Val Brey
  • Forrest (Benzite)



Altair-class freighters
SS Alla TarasovaSS Arctic QueenSS Diamond QueenSS HuronSS J. Burton AyresSS Jade StarSS Kathrine ClewisSS Kay ColeSS Marine CourierSS Medusa ChallengerSS Medusa ConquestSS Millenium QueenSS NicoletSS Sarah SpencerSS SennevilleSS Spar GarnetSS Spar JadeSS Spar Opal
Ships named Orpheus
United Earth Starfleet USS Orpheus (22nd century)see also: USS Orpheus (probe) United Earth Starfleet emblem icon image.
Federation, Starfleet USS Orpheus (research vessel)Orpheus (freighter) Federation icon image. Starfleet emblem icon image.

