Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

"Our man" was an informal title for an unnamed undercover Starfleet Intelligence officer on Cardassia Prime, who was investigating the dissident movement at the University of the Union prior to 2371, and who was, according to Federation Ambassador to Cardassia T'Rena in 2388, "tasked with pushing forward Natima Lang as a possible head of state." When Lang fled into exile that year, the spy remained on Cardassia - surviving the brutal putdown after the end of civilian rule by Gul Skrain Dukat, the Dominion War, its concluding genocide and the period of the Fire. Starfleet Intelligence lost touch with him in the early 2370s and assumed he was dead.

However, "our man" did survive and in 2388 resurfaced, mentally distraught. He attempted to discredit Lang as it became popular that she become the next principal of the University, by passing onto noted historian of the Occupation Elima Antok details that Lang may have approved a secret research project, "Project Enigma", which saw half-Bajoran Cardassians subject to gene therapy. He coerced Lang's assistant, Servek, to help him, but she in turn blackmailed him. The spy killed the assistant, and kidnapped both Antok and visiting dignitary Katherine Pulaski. Travelling with Pulaski was former SI officer, Peter Alden, who was asked by SI secretly to capture "our man". The agent was captured by Alden and the Cardassia City Constabulary under Arati Mhevet.

However, SI then beamed the long-lost agent from Cardassia using a subspace transponder Alden deposited on him. Elim Garak was furious, confronted T'Rena about it, but backed down when she said "now that you are at last concerning yourself with the fallout of your actions during the Occupation, perhaps you’ll allow the Federation to deal with ours." Alden later justified to Pulaski his actions in capturing and renditioning the lost spy, "He was a colleague" describing how his own undercover experience on Ab-Tzenketh did break him. The spy would be subject to psychiatric evaluation, and if judged able, subject then to a private court martial. (DS9 novel: Enigma Tales)
