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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
For other uses, see Kappa.

The PK Kappa was an Undine bioship, a planet killer in Species 8472 service in the 2410s decade. The Kappa was one of three planet killers dispatched to combat a multi-dimensional Borg occupation force in fluidic space.

History and specifications[]

Kappa with Dromias

The Kappa with a Dromias-class bio-cruiser.

Forces from the primary universe Borg Collective, mirror universe Borg Kingdom and alternate reality Control Borg established unicomplexes in fluidic space. Designate 7734 directed a joint Undine-Khitomer Alliance task force in an assault on the Borg. The task force destroyed Borg Cube Alpha and eliminated the Collective forces at Unicomplex Alpha to allow the three planet killers to approach, including Kappa, Iota and Theta. Flanked by Dromias-class bio-cruisers, Kappa approached the outer unicomplexes and was attacked by Borg probes. After the task force eliminated the beam emitters maintaining the dimensional vortices at each unicomplex and disabled two waves of Borg cubes, the Collective merged them into a Borg fusion cube. Designate 7734 identified the Fused Cube as a "monstrosity" and directed the task force to attack its eight cube segments. When the Fused Cube was sufficiently weakened, Kappa and its sister ships approached in a phalanx and fired their fluidic energy focusing arrays in unison at the fusion cube's weak point, destroying it. Afterwards, Kappa, Iota and Theta pulled alongside each other and kept station in the area. (STO - Task Force Operation mission: "Royal Flush")



Undine planet killer bioships
standard configuration AlphaBetaGammaDeltaIotaKappaThetaunnamed Undine logo icon image.
variant configurations command bioships: Cooper's bioshipproto-planet killers: AlphaBetaGamma